How SEO Page Structure Improves Search Engine Rankings

Google dominates the search engine industry with 92% of the market share. As such, SEO revolves around what works for Google. Google’s algorithms are designed to give users the best experience when searching for anything online. This means that users get the most relevant results in the shortest time possible. Here are some ways to increase your website’s search engine rankings. If you want to rank higher on Google, optimize your content for its most popular search terms.


Content is king in the digital world, and SEO content is an essential part of that strategy. Great content can range from a simple blog post to an elaborate landing page. But it must also be discoverable by search engines. In other words, SEO puts more intent behind a piece of content being discovered by a targeted search user. When done correctly, SEO content can boost a website’s search engine rankings and drive traffic and qualified organic leads.

Page structure

SEO page structure is important if you want your website to be seen by search engines. It not only helps users find the information they’re looking for, but it also helps search engines better understand the content on your site. Thankfully, SEO friendly page structure is simple to create and follow. Below is a general overview of SEO page structure. Read on to discover how it works and how it can improve your website’s ranking. Creating an SEO-friendly page structure is a fairly straightforward process, so that you can focus on other aspects of your website’s SEO.


There are two kinds of keywords in the world of SEO: general and industry-specific. General keywords are general terms used to describe your product, while industry-specific keywords are those related to your industry or specific target audience. Depending on your website’s niche, you can also use product keywords to promote your product and services. General keywords are easy to rank, but they can result in higher conversion rates. These keywords may be categorized or tagged in different ways.


One of the most crucial ranking factors for SEO is authority. Google and humans measure authority based on how well a website is able to provide information and help to users. The more authority a website has, the more likely Google is to recommend it to users. An example of authority is the trustworthiness that a user feels in a website or person. In short, if a person can trust you, Google is more likely to recommend it to someone searching for the same information.

On-page factors

The success of your SEO strategy depends on the on-page SEO factors. These factors are specific to the pages on your site and make them easier for search engines to crawl. Without these factors, even websites with many backlinks will not be as successful. The on-page SEO factors you should focus on include the URL, title tags, and meta descriptions. This type of optimization also impacts the user experience of your site. By adjusting these factors, you will be able to attract more visitors to your site.

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