How many children are you going to have know from the lines of your hand

Children are one of the most amazing and important parts of every couple’s life. Because one day or another each and every couple is going to have a need to get their own child then the method can be of any type because in this period of time it is not new that on point of time in any fellow’s life they are going to need someone. The child is considered to be such part of every fellow’s life which brings different kinds of feelings, responsibilities, and affection in their life because, when there is news of child in coming any fellow’s life it is always celebrated like a festival because, it is such thing which can bring such happiness in your life which you have never experienced. So, due to this reason in this article we are going to know different things related to this cause of having a child in this article. There are some people in this society who are even wondering are they going to experience this kind of happiness in their life. So, in this article, we are going to discuss such art of astrology from which your not just question is going to be answered but, it will also be clear how many kids you are going to have in your life.

• As per this art there is the amount in your hands under your little finger which is known as the mount of mercury and the vertical near your thumb is known as your child line. And with the help of all those lines, a respected astrologer is able to make different kinds of predictions related to this cause of children.

It is obvious that love is playing

• It is obvious that love is playing one of the most major roles in this cause of chldren due to which in order to make any kind of prediction related to them one needs to include the planet of Venus because it is used to indicate this cause of love due to which the line which is visually clearly then that is a number of children you are going to have in your life.

• It should be known by you that with the help of those lines you are also able to know whether you are going to have a boy or girl. Because, if the line of which you are seeing is too dark then it can be said that you are going to have a boy as your child but, if your those lines are slightly light then it can be told to you that you are going to have girl your child.

• It should be known by you that there are some people in this society who are not having their chldline in their palm and it does not mean that there is something with you or your respected life partner but, it can also be the reason for your respected planetary situations. In some cases it is possible that with the help of this art of astrology you can avoid these problems of your life other than the option of adoption is always there for you.

With the help of this art of astrology

• With the help of this art of astrology it can be known that if your respected planet of Venus is strong during the period of your child’s conceiving time then it can be suggested that your child is going to have lovable nature in their life.

• And not just only this but if you have too many dark lines in your birth chart on this planet of Venus then as per this art of astrology it can be guided to you that you can expect two-child for you and not just only this but, it also creates a possibility of twin chldren for you.

• If you are that fellow who is having a strong planet of Venus but, you are having a weak planet of Mercury then it can be guided to you that you are going to be able to get your child in your life but, it is not going to be an easy task to make them happy in their life because this planet of Mercury is used to denote happiness in their life.

• If you are having a strong planet of Mercury that does not just mean that you are going to have happy children in your life but, it also means that you are going to have both girl and boy child.

last word

So, in this article, the from which all this information is being provided to you is well known as palmistry or palm reading. And with the help of this art palmistry, you are not just able to make such predictions related to a child but, you are able to know about each and every because of your life like related to money, career, life or health. So, if you are facing any kind of problems in your life or you are in need of more information then according to us you should try the astrological service provided by Astrologer in Nadiad.

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